Photo: Worlds of Words
Here you’ll find information and projects particularly useful for enriching your reading of In the Shadow of the Sun in the classroom.
I will be adding resources regularly as I continue to collaborate with teachers and students. Please add your comments and suggestions of what you’d like to see here. Want to collaborate? Reach out!
Tracing the Journey: How I used GoogleEarth to plot the route of Mia and Simon’s escape through North Korea.
Creating a Lit Trip: Here’s how middle school librarian Jen Bishop, her students, and I collaborated to build another tool for exploring the book.
Follow Mia & Simon’s Journey!: This Lit Trip map includes points along the way, notes about real and imagined places, and photos.
IRW Activity Guide: This guide created by Island Readers & Writers of Maine includes discussion questions, prompts for writing and visual responses, and suggestions for further research and reading.
FAQ: Have You Ever Been to North Korea? This is definitely one of the most-asked questions I get during school visits.
#Empathy4NKoreanPeople: This short video has wonderful images of contemporary North Korean citizens, by photographer Roman
Book Tour in Korean International Schools: Discussing identity, race and culture, and the writing process with high school students in Korea.
Student Projects in Maine Coastal Schools: A diorama and a penetrating discussion with students in remote schools.
Book Taco: Teachers can sign up for free to access resources for books on the Maine Student Book Award and many other book lists, including a reading comprehension quiz I wrote, and printable forms for student reading logs, chapter notes, plot diagram & story mapping, and book reviews.
Interview: “Adventure, Intrigue, and Korea, OH MY!” This piece was written by Robyn Gioia, author and middle school teacher at a DOD school in Seoul, Korea, in anticipation of my 2018 author visit; on the blog, ”From the Mixed-Up Files… of Middle Grade Authors.”
Student videos: I love to see how young readers envision the book when they make their own trailers — and play all the parts with race- and age-neutral casting!
Coming soon…
A Skype Visit (Carmel blogpost)